Entrepreneur Committee (企業家委員會) |
願景營造氣氛,製造機會,鼓勵中小企業創新、創業、創意的培養和發揮。 聯繫國內國外青年企業家,探索合作共贏方案,以便擴張市場。 任務積極舉辦講座、組織課程,與及參觀和展覽,增強企業家精神、知識和技巧,從而建立發展宏圖的自信心及動力,並且鼓勵參與、交流,和合作,務求達到跨越領域以至不平凡的境界。 對於初次創業的會員,提供參與機會和發展平台,不單局限於香港,還會伸延至國內,尤其是二三線城市,甚至到國外,吸引資金及夥伴,建設共同合作的基礎與空間。 對於守業的會員,亦提供創新方法和測試場合,將新產品優化及推廣,作為進入不同市場的基地與跳板。 VisionTo create an atmosphere with more chances to encourage SME to foster and flourish Innovation, Entrepreneurship, and Creativity. To connect the young entrepreneurs in mainland and foreign countries to explore collaborative win-win schemes for expanding the market reach. MissionsTo proactively organize seminars, courses, together with visits and exhibitions to enrich entrepreneurship, knowledge and skill, so as to instill confidence and inspire momentum for developing a grand prospect. To further encourage participation, interaction, and cooperation, in order to cross over the out-of-the-box boundaries. To provide startup opportunities and a development platform to those who are first time entrepreneurs, not only within Hong Kong, but also into mainland, especially the second and third tier cities, or even going abroad to get capital and partners, for building a ground and space for concrete association. To equip the veteran entrepreneurs with innovative methods and experimental occasions to improve and promote new products, for the purpose of a base and springboard entering different markets. 2023