Web3 元宇宙委員會 Web3 Metaverse Committee |
遠景:Web3 元宇宙的發展對擴充中小企生意範疇是不可或缺的,因為第三代互聯網不單只是混合實境,也包括其他人工智能、區塊鏈、數碼孿生、物聯網、人機互動、生成對抗網絡等等的科技。 宗旨:與全世界的中小企手牽手地探索使用這些新生的科技。 使命:提供多些資料令中小企能夠在不同的商業場境內採用這些先進科技。
Vision:Development of Web3 Metaverse is essential to broaden the scope of SME business because it does not include Mixed Reality only, but also other aspects of Artificial Intelligence, Blockchain, Digital Twin, Internet of Things, Human Machine Interaction, Generative Adversarial Network technologies, and so on.
Objective:To go hand in hand with SME all over the world to explore more about these newborn technologies.
Mission:To provide more information for SME to adopt these state-of-the-art technologies into their business scenarios.