Digital Transformation Committee 數碼轉型委員會 |
願景我們渴望成為通過數碼策略來推進企業轉型的先鋒者及協助企業做到永續經營。 任務1. 通過 5W1H 來了解企業轉型目的 - Why 為何要轉型? - How 怎樣轉型? - What 要轉型甚麼? - When 甚麼時機最好? - Where 由那裡開始? - Who 誰負責? 2. 協助設計數碼轉型的路線圖 3. 建立數碼化轉型夢幻團隊 VisionOur aspiration is to be a pioneer in transforming enterprises to a high growth potential stage with a digital strategy and assisting them to sustain forever. Mission1. To understand the objectives of Digital Transformation for an enterprise - Why? - How? - What? - When? - Where? - Who? 2. To help in designing the roadmap of the Digital Transformation 3. To establish a dream team for Digital Transformation 2021