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2024 HKAI launch on 7 June


The 2023-24 Hong Kong Awards for Industries (HKAI) is now open for entries.  Hong Kong companies in the manufacturing and services sectors are invited to join.  The 2023-24 HKAI comprises five categories, namely “Consumer Product Design”, “Equipment and Machinery Design”, “Customer Service”, “Innovation and Creativity” and “Upgrading and Transformation”.  The closing date for entries is 7 June 2024. Please press the picture for more information.


DES2024 from 12 (FRI) - 13 (SAT) April

SME Global Alliance strongly supports Digital Economy Summit 2024 and would like to invite you to participate. Please press the picture to register. Use promo code: lscmcomp to pay for HK$0 ONLY, limited offer.

中小企国际联盟鼎力支持 数字经济峰会2024,欢迎大家踊跃参加。请按图到登记处。通过优惠码 lscmcomp 报名,可以享受以 0港币购买门票,数量有限。 

Marketing Pulse eTailing Pulse on 13 March 2024

 SME Global Alliance strongly support Marketing & eTailing Pulses 2024 and would like to invite you to participate. Please press the picture to register.

中小企国际联盟鼎力支持 数码营销及电子商贸脉搏2024,欢迎大家踊跃参与。请按图登记。

Use Reg. code: SME09V4P to pay for HK$1170 ONLY (40% discount). 


Limited Supply, First Come First Serve!


GBA Innovation Dev Conference JAN 2024

SME Global Alliance strongly supports the GBA Innovation Development Conference to be held on 17th - 19th Jan 2024 in TST East, Kowloon.


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