环保与健康委员会 Environmental Protection & Health Committee
理念 Vision宗旨 Objectives﹕- 提供资料让会员得到「治未病」健康理念。Advocate the idea of Preventive Treatment of Disease to members
- 让会员能建立起健康是可以由自己管理并非全部由医生管理。Establish the faith that we can control our own health rather than by the doctors
- 达到既能爱护地球又符合环保的养生之道。Reach the situation that we can preserve our own health without harming the global environment
- 汇聚有心之仕共聚一堂携手将此理念推广给有需要之会员参考。Converge the effort to push these concepts to the members with needs
推广途径 Promotion﹕- 举办定期聚会,聘请专业人士讲解养生之道,建立和谐安康的生活 Hold regular gatherings with professional specialists to explain the way to preserve health for a harmony life
- 掌握会员的需要及期望,听取各方意见,从而制定解决方案,藉此缔造互动平台。Understand the expectation of members and to listen various opinions to provide a solution platform
- 积极连络社会上推动健康的团体以取得最新医学发展及推广给会员知道。Proactively communicate with other organizations to provide the latest information on medical & health development
- 建立会员资料库以便持续与会员连络。Set up a member database to connect them continuously
组织图 Organization﹕ 
Environment Protection & Health Committee (with professional specialists) Chairman Vice Chairman Membership Executives Council Members Treasurer Members in different industries for growth |