企业家委员会 Entrepreneur Committee 中小企国际联盟SME Global Alliance 是中小企业及专业服务组织。拟聚了一群志趣相投的友好企业家,团结网络力量,积极促进商务及社务的气候,提升经济和生产力,帮助社会民生发展及企业进步! SME Global Alliance (SMEGA) has been started as SME entrepreneurs and professionals gathering since 2003. It formed a group of friends with entrepreneurial co-visions and co-interests. We continuously nurture and network our strength to proactively develop business and social climates. It upgrades economy and productivity to help social civil development and business growth ! Sat, 27 Jul 2024 10:51:16 +0800 Joomla! 1.5 - Open Source Content Management zh-cn Entrepreneur Committee (企业家委员会) 愿景








To create an atmosphere with more chances to encourage SME to foster and flourish Innovation, Entrepreneurship, and Creativity.

To connect the young entrepreneurs in mainland and foreign countries to explore collaborative win-win schemes for expanding the market reach.


To proactively organize seminars, courses, together with visits and exhibitions to enrich entrepreneurship, knowledge and skill, so as to instill confidence and inspire momentum for developing a grand prospect. To further encourage participation, interaction, and cooperation, in order to cross over the out-of-the-box boundaries.

To provide startup opportunities and a development platform to those who are first time entrepreneurs, not only within Hong Kong, but also into mainland, especially the second and third tier cities, or even going abroad to get capital and partners, for building a ground and space for concrete association.

To equip the veteran entrepreneurs with innovative methods and experimental occasions to improve and promote new products, for the purpose of a base and springboard entering different markets.


主席 Chairman

苏国荣 (会计师) Edward So (CPA)



Edward So & Co., EasiView, EasiView Management, and EasiWin Property Investment Ltd.

创办人 Founder

香港中区工商业联合会 Hong Kong Central District Commerce And Industry Association 

创会会长 Founding Chairman 
国际资产及风险管理协会 International Assets and Risk Management Association创会会长 Founding Chairman

香港会计师公会 The Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants 

资深执业会计师 Fellow CPA Practising 
英国特许公认会计师公会 The Association of Chartered Certified Accountants资深会计师 Fellow CPA
香港财务策划师学会 Institute of Financial Planners of Hong Kong  注册财务策划师 Certified Financial Planner 
香港银行学会 The Hong Kong Institute of Bankers  专业会员 Professional member 
遗产规划人员协会 Estate Planning Practitioners Ltd.遗产规划师 Associate of Estate Planning Practitioner
Heriot-watt University工商管理硕士 Master of Business Administration 
University of London  经济学学士(荣誉)Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Economics 
国家税务总局深圳市税务局  前海执业税务师 
副主席 Vice Chairman陈文章 Rico Chan 
 商软有限公司 Businsoft Ltd.董事 Director




企业家委员会 Fri, 09 May 2008 20:07:20 +0800