数码转型委员会 Digital Transformation Committee
愿景我们渴望成为通过数码策略来推进企业转型的先锋者及协助企业做到永续经营。 任务1. 通过 5W1H 来了解企业转型目的 - Why 为何要转型? - How 怎样转型? - What 要转型甚么? - When 甚么时机最好? - Where 由那里开始? - Who 谁负责? 2. 协助设计数码转型的路线图 3. 建立数码化转型梦幻团队 VisionOur aspiration is to be a pioneer in transforming enterprises to a high growth potential stage with a digital strategy and assisting them to sustain forever. Mission1. To understand the objectives of Digital Transformation for an enterprise - Why? - How? - What? - When? - Where? - Who? 2. To help in designing the roadmap of the Digital Transformation 3. To establish a dream team for Digital Transformation 2021 主席 Chairman | 黎伟诚 (Eric Lai) | | PolyU SPEED) School of Professional Education and Executive Development |
| Visiting Lecturer (Digital Transformation) |
| 共同创办人 及 数码转型顾问 Co-Founder & Digital Transformation & MarTech Consultant |
| Natural Health 365 (Hong Kong) Limited |
| | Tom Solutions Ltd. | 营销总监 Director of Sales & Marketing | Y's Men International Hong Kong District |
| | | | 副主席 Vice Chairman | 江振声 (Kenneth Kong) | | PolyU SPEED) School of Professional Education and Executive Development |
| Visiting Lecturer (Digital Transformation) | | DT1HK 数码转型平台 | 共同创办人 及 数码转型顾问 Co-Founder & Digital Transformation & MarTech Consultant |
| | | | Founder and Chief Learning Officer |
| The Open University of Hong Kong |
| MBA & BBA | |