計劃推出中小企成長學院 Plan to establish a SME Growth Academy- 宣揚共同成長、眾籌成功理念 Advocate the idea to grow together and to succeed with crowd-sourcing
- 建立具能力和成熟的營運方法 Initiate a method to operate with certain levels of capability & maturity
- 培養一起發展的生態系統 Nurture an ecosystem to evolve jointly
一个獲取適當知識、技能和資源的網絡來促進成長的平台。A platform to acquire relevant knowledge, appropriate skills and resource network to foster growth. 服務包括 Services include: - 培訓、啟蒙訓練及駭客松等 Guidance, Enlightenment Training, Hackathon, etc.
- 講座、論壇及展覽等 Seminar, Forum, Exhibition, and so on
- 研究專訪及考察等 Research Survey, Visit, and other supporting activities
主題 Major Themes: - 科技 Technology
- 以人為本 Humanity
- 價值主張 Value Proposition
- 獨特性 Uniqueness
- 敏捷 Agility
- 適應力強 Resilient
- 領導能力 Leadership
- 全球視野 Global Visionary