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中小企国际联盟 SME Global Alliance
Introduction to SME Global Alliance SMEGL


SMEGL x CUAEA x Guru 2024 Tiktok Aug

中小企国际联盟 x 香港中文大学创业校友会 x Guru Online 三方联办TikTok Shop 跨境电商谘询座谈会
谘询座谈提供品牌免费TikTok Shop 开店服务,免费TikTok 广告帐号开户,及品牌跨境物流,支付等深入谘询
活动日期- 8月13日 (星期二) | 下午:4pm-6pm | 地点:观塘

SME Global Alliance & CU Alumni Entrepreneur Association & GuruOnline co-organize a Tiktop Shop Cross-border E-commerce Seminar
To provide in depth information on Tiktok Shop Opening, Advertising, Logistics, Payment, etc. for Brands
Date: 13th August (TUE) in the afternoon: 4pm-6pm at Kwun Tong

BGOV24 July 11-12

年度创科盛事 BGOV2024 将载誉归来,以 「数字经济引领商业跃进」 为主题,展示人工智能、金融科技、零售及行销科技、永续及网络安全技术等最新商业应用。100场论坛云集超过120位业界领袖分享行业趋势及见解。

BGOV 2024 themed "Elevate Your Business with Tech Innovations" will make its grand return, showcasing the latest in AI, FinTech and Retail & Marketing Technology, Tech for Sustainability & Cybersecurity. Join nearly 100 forums featuring over 120 industry leaders discuss key trends. 



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WTIA ICT Startup Award 2024 Kickoff

Please join this recruitment seminar on 13th June by clicking at the picture. 

立即参加「2024香港资讯及通讯科技奖 :资讯科技初创企业奖」招募日「????#AI #初创浪潮:开创未来商机」 

DFA 2024 application from April to June


DFA Design for Asia Awards (DFA DFAA) 2024 is calling for submission! Entrants can enjoy 50% off on the entry fee by submitting their entries before the end of the discount offer period. Be sure not to miss the time-limited offer!  Please press the picture for more information.

2024 HKAI launch on 7 June


The 2023-24 Hong Kong Awards for Industries (HKAI) is now open for entries.  Hong Kong companies in the manufacturing and services sectors are invited to join.  The 2023-24 HKAI comprises five categories, namely “Consumer Product Design”, “Equipment and Machinery Design”, “Customer Service”, “Innovation and Creativity” and “Upgrading and Transformation”.  The closing date for entries is 7 June 2024. Please press the picture for more information.


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