SME Global Alliance
SME Growth Forum 2023 - ESG Chapter on 14th July

中小企騰飛論壇 | SME Growth Forum 2023


How ESG drives Growth for SME? 

KODW 2023 from 14 - 16 June


Members & friends of SME Global Alliance, please share the promo code 'KODWSO40' to your pals and enjoy the exclusive 50% off on or before 31 May 2023. 

HKAAST Roadshow 2023 June Dongguan Jiangmen

中小企國際聯盟鼎力支持這大灣區 9+2 創科路演

SME Global Alliance fully support this GBA 9+2 Technology Roadshow 

DFA Design for Asia Award (DFAA) 2023 until 30 June

中小企國際聯盟鼎力支持的 DFA 亞洲最具影響力設計獎和 DFA 香港青年設計才俊獎,將於2023年6月尾截止申請

SME Global Alliance fully support the following awards, DFA Design for Asia Awards & DFA HK Young Design Talent Award, with deadlines by the end of June 2023.

Don’t Miss the Chance!


10% Off in Entry Fee in Regular Period


Special Discount for Invitation ONLY


DFA Design for Asia Awards 2023 is now open for submission until 30 June (5pm Hong Kong time).


As members of the awards’ supporting organisation, you can enjoy a privilege of 10% off in entry fee valid from 16 May - 30 Jun 2023.


Promotional Code



- Limited quota, on first-come-first-served basis
- Exclusive to members of DFA Awards supporting organisation and non-transferable


This promotional code is entitled to a discounted entry fee at HK$1800/entry (Regular fee: HK$2000/entry) until 30 June 2023 (5pm, HK time).

Enjoy the privilege and submit now!


BioChina 2023 Series from 7th (WED) to 9th (FRI) of June

中小企國際聯盟鼎力支持的環球生物科技展國際人工智能展大灣區醫療旅遊展系列,將於2023年6月7日至9日(周三-五)在亞洲國際博覽館舉行。有興趣參加者請電郵至 info@smeglobal.org


SME Global Alliance fully support the following conferences and expos, BioChina, AI China & GBA Medical Tourism, to be held from 7th (WED) to 9th (FRI) of June at the AsiaWorld-Expo. Those who are interested to participate, please email to info@smeglobal.org

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