SME Global Alliance
DES2024 from 12 (FRI) - 13 (SAT) April

SME Global Alliance strongly supports Digital Economy Summit 2024 and would like to invite you to participate. Please press the picture to register. Use promo code: lscmcomp to pay for HK$0 ONLY, limited offer.

中小企國際聯盟鼎力支持 數字經濟峰會2024,歡迎大家踴躍參加。請按圖到登記處。通過優惠碼 lscmcomp 報名,可以享受以 0港幣購買門票,數量有限。 

Marketing Pulse eTailing Pulse on 13 March 2024

 SME Global Alliance strongly support Marketing & eTailing Pulses 2024 and would like to invite you to participate. Please press the picture to register.

中小企國際聯盟鼎力支持 數碼營銷及電子商貿脈搏2024,歡迎大家踴躍參與。請按圖登記。

Use Reg. code: SME09V4P to pay for HK$1170 ONLY (40% discount). 


Limited Supply, First Come First Serve!


GBA Innovation Dev Conference JAN 2024

SME Global Alliance strongly supports the GBA Innovation Development Conference to be held on 17th - 19th Jan 2024 in TST East, Kowloon.


2023 Digital Fashion Design Competition until end of DEC

SME Global Alliance fully support this competition and welcome all of you to join. Please press the picture in order to register.

中小企國際聯盟全力支持的比賽,邀請大家踴躍參加! 請按圖到登記處。 

Entrepreneur Day 2023 from 7th (THUR) - 8th (FRI) Dec

SME Global Alliance strongly support Entrepreneur Day 2023 and would like to invite you to participate. Business of IP Asia Forum is a concurrent event. Please press the picture to register.
中小企國際聯盟鼎力支持 創業日2023,歡迎大家踴躍參加。同期活動還有亞洲知識產權營商論壇。請按圖到登記處。 

2023 Dec 05 Mini Sharing e-Pay Forum

SME Global Alliance strongly supports the GBA Innovation Development Conference - December Mini-Sharing Session

中小企國際聯盟全力支持大灣區創科發展論壇- 12月對談會

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