中小企国际联盟推荐,请按图买票。 SME Global Alliance recommend this wonderful event to you. Please click at the picture to buy ticket. |

中小企国际联盟鼎力支持,请按图登记。 SME Global Alliance strongly supports, please register by clicking at the picture. |

中小企国际联盟鼎力支持*【免费活动】渣打香港中小企领先营商指数暨中小企智囊论坛2024* SME Global Alliance strongly supports the free-of-charge SME Conference 2024 co-organized by Standard Chartered Bank and HKPC. |

Organized by the Informatics and Control Technologies Section, IET Hong Kong and strongly supported by SME Global AllianceDigitalization affects every aspect of modern life and ensures health and wealth to the society. Over the past years, Covid pandemic has prompted many changes in the way people interact with each other. It has been an exponential increase in digital technology adoption across multiple industries, which require many practitioners to embrace new, or changed methods, process, and tools under new normal. The Government of Hong Kong Special Administration Region (HKSAR) had published "Hong Kong Smart City Blueprint 2.0" in December 2020 that inherent the vision of embracing innovation and technology to build a world-famed Smart Hong Kong characterised by a strong economy and high quality of living". While the infrastructure in Hong Kong has been establishing, ICT industries should converge the emerging technologies and create platforms integrating these edge technologies for ICT professionals. "ICT Conference 2024 – The Era of Generative AI: The Blooming of Possibilities and Challenges", aims to provide a forum for the government officials, university researchers, and major industry professionals to share the views on the government policy, the latest development and applications, as well as the opportunities and threats in the future ICT era.
Please register by clicking at the picture. |

香港网络安全高峰会2024 日期: 2023年10月23日至24日(星期三至星期四) 时间: 08:30 – 18:00 地点: 香港湾仔香港会议展览中心旧翼二楼 语言: 英文 费用 免费 Cyber Security Summit Hong Kong 2024 Date: 23 - 24 October 2023 (Wed - Thur) Time: 08:30 – 18:00 Venue: 2/F, Old Wing, HKCEC, Wanchai, Hong Kong Language: English Fee Free-of-charge |
 【免费参加】 数码睿智营商 + 网络安全「一take过」???? 想帮公司升级数码化又惊复杂?想搞好网络安全又唔知点入手????? 快啲参加 *生产力局「数码不求人」平台* 同 *香港中小型企业总商会* 合办嘅「中小企睿智营商及网络安全方案展览日」! 2024年8月28日(星期三) ⏰ 下午2时30分至5时30分 九龙达之路78号 生产力大楼地下SME One Foyer 精彩内容 - 网络安全专家教你筑起铜墙铁壁 - 专家探讨「人机合一」,提升员工智能化生产力 - 数码转型成功案例分享 超过15个数码方案展位,划分5大职能区域:1️⃣人力资源、2️⃣财务与行政、3️⃣客户服务、4️⃣销售与市场营销、5️⃣网路安全 想成为「智胜」企业?即刻报名啦!http://u.hkpc.org/bc9 【Free Event】Empowering SMEs for Digital Transformation: Smart Growth and Resilience Solution Day on 28th August (Wednesday). Please click on the picture to reach the registration page. |
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